March 23. 2020

Dear Clients:

You are very much on our minds and hearts as we travel through this crisis together.  Information and resources are starting to develop at all government levels.  It is often not complete as to details.

Our priorities are as follows:

  • Keep ourselves and our families safe
  • Continue to process tax returns, especially those returns with refunds
  • Help both our individual and business clients develop strategies to survive the next few weeks

As you know the two senior tax professionals in the office are Karen Hahn and Lee Assaf.  Lee will be leading up what we are calling “technical support services”.  This will be things like talking to clients about future options and programs that are available.  Karen, with the assistance of other staff will be working on processing tax returns.

Please email Lee at Lee@KHahnCPA.com for “technical support”

Please email Karen at Karen@KHahnCPA.com with 2019 tax documents and other information to process your tax return.

We are in this together and we will get through this.

We will continue to provide updates as we have more information.

Over the past few weeks, both federal and state governments have issued relief in many forms to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be aware that this new legislation is very fluid and is subject to change.

Lee has put together a description of what we know as of this date. This summary is meant to provide general information on what is available to you.

Karen A. Hahn, CPA, CVA
Karen A. Hahn, CPA, CVA employees
"Karen & her staff contacted the IRS and successfully brought down the amount due. Karen is my "go to" CPA for tax and accounting matters."